Yep all my recipes that I find online or copy down get shoved in this folder. I am going to get a lot of them put on here asap.
Now,I have had a couple people ask me how I do my menu planning. So at the risk of everyone knowing what a dork I am with this, I'm going to share it with y'all.
*I use a Large Yellow Legal Pad
*I do my menu from Monday-Sunday. Breakfast. Lunch, and Dinner.
*A lot of people plan their menus around the sales papers. I don't do this all the time. Just depends on
whats in the papers.
* I do all breakfast and lunches first
* With dinners I usually have a few ideas of what I want. After that I ask Hubby if he has any requests.
From there I go to my recipe folder and online. Sissy also gets a couple days a month that she gets to plan
a whole days menu.
*Once I have all three meals I check that day off and move on to the next.
*Once I have all the days done I flip the page over and start a grocery list.
*I write everything down that's on the menu(even if I think I have it).
*Then I go through pantry,fridge,and cabinets to see what I do have.
*Then I make a final grocery list and transfer my menu from the legal pad to the board on fridge.
May not be great but it works for me! :)