The first day of Spring Break her Best friend Savannah came to spend the night with us.
Best friends since Kindergarten!
That night they made their own pizzas(One of Sissys favorite things to do when having a sleepover)
Saturday morning I tried a new recipe for breakfast that was a hit, Sausage Biscuit,Egg and Cheese Breakfast Ring. If you haven't tried it yet, you are missing out. Here is the recipe,Sausage Biscuit,Egg and Cheese Breakfast Ring
The next day we went to a local Ranch.
We drove a 3 mile loop around the ranch to see all the different animals. They come right up to your vehicle to be fed. The kids loved this part!
Lots of fun for the kids and they loved being up close to all of the animals!
The next day was Easter!
Monday was a mixture of cleaning the house and "re-grouping".
Tuesday Sissys other friend Olivia came to stay with us. Big Daddy had this day planned out since I had to work.
He took them to a local place called "MagiQuest"
On the lower level they did Black-light putt putt golf and on the upper level they went on a magic quest with wands.
To top the day off Big Daddy took the girls to see a movie that night...
Goofing off in the lobby before the movie!
Sissy spent Wednesday-Saturday with YaYa doing their thing.(Sewing,crocheting,etc...)
On Saturday we decided to go to the park and have a picnic!
We had lots of fun with Ya Ya and then we left Brother with her!! Ha Ha
We finished up the weekend with baseball practice, Big Daddy took his girls on a date night to our favorite Mexican restaurant and a trip to Wal-mart for some Spring stuff(new welcome mat,etc..) and Sunday was a day of relaxation!
Sissy said that it was the best Spring Break she ever had(this is her 3rd) so I am happy with that! Great week! Bring on Summer! :-)